shoulder to shoulder

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shoulder to shoulder

更新时间:2024-05-28 02:32:59

英 [ˈʃəuldə tu: ˈʃəuldə]

美 [ˈʃoldɚ tu ˈʃoldɚ]

shoulder to shoulder基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. shoulder to shoulder

1. 并肩:head to head 交头接耳 | shoulder to shoulder 并肩 | on and on 继续

2. 肩对肩:12.New York纽约步 | 13.Shoulder to Shoulder肩对肩 | 14.Reverse Top陀螺转

3. 齐心协力地:Six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两 | shoulder to shoulder 齐心协力地 | set one's jaw 咬紧牙关

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
In the past, the people of Asia stood shoulder to shoulder in the struggle to gain control of their own destinies.(历史上,亚洲人民在掌握民族命运的斗争中曾经并肩战斗、风雨同舟。)
Was about time to fight shoulder to shoulder again.(又到了并肩作战的时候。)
It was about the time to fight shoulder to shoulder again.(又到了并肩作战的时候了。)
We walked in the street shoulder to shoulder.(我们肩并肩走在街上。)
They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain.(他们步伐一致,肩并肩低着头冒雨走着。)
I walked shoulder to shoulder with Tom.(我和汤姆并肩走路。)
Several thousand walruses are on the beach, packed shoulder to shoulder.(数千海象伏在海岸上,摩肩擦踵。)
We can eventually succeed only when we all stand shoulder to shoulder.(只有大家同心协力,我们才能最终取得胜利。)
Fortunately we went through the difficulty situation shoulder to shoulder.(很幸运,我们肩并肩地走过了困境。)
These two people are running shoulder to shoulder now.(这两个人现在正并肩跑着。)
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